Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Mac

  1. Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Macbook
  2. Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Mac Os

Recover Not Opening Word Files on Mac. While you are trying to repair the drive and Word files, it is common that the solutions don't work as expected, and the files get deleted from Mac. Here is the perfect solution if getting stuck in such circumstances without any recovery option.

To use ODPI-C in your own project, download its source from GitHub. A sample Makefile is provided ifyou wish to build ODPI-C as a shared library. Otherwise, add theODPI-C source code to your project. On Windows, Visual Studio 2008 orhigher is required. On macOS, Xcode 6 or higher is required. On Linux,GCC 4.4 or higher is required.

  1. Mac: /Library/Preferences/ugs; Linux: /ugs; The platform version of UGS contains additional property files automatically created by the NetBeans Platform. These files are also contained in various locations based on the operating system being used. You can find the exact locations of these files in the About / Help menu.
  2. ODPI-C applications can use Oracle Client 19, 18, 12, or 11.2 libraries from a local Oracle Database or full Oracle Client installation. The Oracle libraries must be either 32-bit or 64-bit, matching your application and ODPI-C library (if one is created separately).
Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Mac

ODPI-C has been tested on Linux, Windows and macOS. Other platforms shouldalso work but have not been tested.

Projects using ODPI-C require Oracle Client libraries to beinstalled. The libraries provide the necessary network connectivityallowing applications to access an Oracle Database instance. They alsoprovide basic and advanced connection management and data features toODPI-C applications.

The simplest Oracle Client is the free Oracle Instant Client.Only the “Basic” or “Basic Light” package is required. Oracle Clientlibraries are also available in any Oracle Database installation orfull Oracle Client installation.

ODPI-C dynamically loads available Oracle Client libraries atruntime. This allows code using ODPI-C to be built only once, and thenrun using any available Oracle Client 21, 19, 18, 12, or 11.2 libraries. IfOracle Client libraries are not found, the error “DPI-1047: Cannotlocate an Oracle Client library” is raised. If an Oracle Client library isfound but the version cannot be determined, the error “DPI-1072: the OracleClient library version is unsupported” is raised. For example, this could bebecause the Oracle Client library version is too old (prior to 10g) or entirelyunsupported (such as Oracle Client 19 on Windows 7).

If the member dpiContextCreateParams.oracleClientLibDir is specifiedwhen calling dpiContext_createWithParams(), then only that directory issearched for the Oracle Client libraries.

If no directory is specified, then the Oracle Client libraries are looked for inthe same directory that the ODPI-C library (or application binary) is locatedin. If they are not found, then they are searched for in the standard operatingsystem search path, for example PATH on Windows or LD_LIBRARY_PATH onLinux. See standard Windows library search orderor standard Linux library search order. Finally, on platformsother than Windows, $ORACLE_HOME/lib is also searched.


  • When using Instant Client on Linux and related operating systems, thenthat directory must always be in the system library search path.

  • When using the library directory from a full client or databaseinstallation, then you additionally need to set the applicationenvironment to use this software, for example by setting theORACLE_HOME environment variable. This should be done prior to ODPI-Cinitialization.

Make sure the application has directory and file access permissions for theOracle Client libraries. On Linux ensure exists. On macOSensure libclntsh.dylib exists. ODPI-C will not directly loadlibclntsh.*.XX.1 files indpiContextCreateParams.oracleClientLibDir or from the directory wherethe ODPI-C library (or application binary) is. Note other files used bylibclntsh* are also required.

To trace the loading of Oracle Client libraries, the environment variableDPI_DEBUG_LEVEL can be set to 64 before starting your application. SeeODPI-C Debugging.

The following sections explain how to ensure the Oracle Client isinstalled and configured correctly on the various platforms so thatODPI-C is able to find it.

Oracle’s standard client-server network interoperability allows connectionsbetween different versions of Oracle Client and Oracle Database. For certifiedconfigurations see Oracle Support’s Doc ID 207303.1. Insummary, Oracle Client 21 can connect to Oracle Database 12.1 or later. OracleClient 19, 18 and 12.2 can connect to Oracle Database 11.2 or greater. OracleClient 12.1 can connect to Oracle Database 10.2 or greater. Oracle Client 11.2can connect to Oracle Database 9.2 or greater. The technical restrictions oncreating connections may be more flexible. For example Oracle Client 12.2 cansuccessfully connect to Oracle Database 10.2.

Since a single ODPI-C binary can use multiple client versions andaccess multiple database versions, it is important your application istested in your intended release environments. NewerOracle clients support new features, such as the oraaccess.xml external configurationfile available with 12.1 or later clients, session pool improvements,call timeouts with 18 or later clients, and other enhancements.

The function dpiContext_getClientVersion() can be used to determinewhich Oracle Client version is in use and the functiondpiConn_getServerVersion() can be used to determine which OracleDatabase version a connection is accessing. These can then be used to adjustapplication behavior accordingly. Attempts to use some Oracle features that arenot supported by a particular client/server combination may result in runtimeerrors. These include:

  • when attempting to access attributes that are not supported by thecurrent Oracle Client library you will get the error “ORA-24315: illegalattribute type”

  • when attempting to use implicit results with Oracle Client 11.2against Oracle Database 12c you will get the error “ORA-29481:Implicit results cannot be returned to client”

  • when attempting to get array DML row counts with Oracle Client11.2 you will get the error “DPI-1050: Oracle Client library must be atversion 12.1 or higher”

.odt is an 'Open Document formaT' file. Word 2010 for Windows supports this format but in their infinite stupidity do not support this in Word for Mac even Word in Office 2016 for Mac does not support this format. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding and was a way of embedding one document inside another and I believe was originally devised by Microsoft. A typical example of where it will not work on a Mac is when a Visio or Project document is embedded inside a Word document as even though obviously a Mac can read Microsoft Word files it cannot read Microsoft Visio or Project files. In theory an embedded Excel, Word, or standard graphics file e.g. jpg, png, etc. should be displayed on a Mac.

I am not aware of a means of determining what the embedded object might be.

Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Macbook

You could try various other programs that support this format e.g. Google Docs and OpenOffice and see if they do any better job at converting it.

Cannot Load The Ole 2.0 Or Doc File Libraries Mac Os

Jun 7, 2016 3:12 AM